Friday, January 23, 2009

Real Estate Investors - Friend or Foe?

Have you ever wondered why realtors and investors tend to not get along?

Realtors and some distressed homeowners perceive investors as vultures and ambulance chasers. As with any profession there are some "bad eggs" that may warrant this label. For the most part, real estate investors provide a valuable service to those who are in a bad situation.

The MAIN reason a homeowner is willing to
create a trust and deed the property into the trust (with the investor as trustee, thereby giving him control to act as an owner) is for the peace of mind. These people are going through an extremely difficult period in their life and they DON'T WANT to deal with Realtors (whom they perceive as salesman) or any kind of decision making other than "get-me-out-of-this-mess!" They want to hand the situation over to someone who will take care of all the details and decisions and a Realtor is not in a position to do that.

The best advice I have for any homeowner is to consult with an attorney before signing their home over in any way. And there ARE affordable legal avenues to do this.

With regard to those working to avoid a foreclosure, work with the lender first and foremost. Once that avenue has been exhausted, and this is where I think some homeowners clam up, they should put the house up for sale and spread the word any way they can. Flyers, signs, free classified ads (print and online) and word of mouth go a long way.

Lastly, look in the paper and online for investors who advertise they are looking for homes to buy. Granted, this may not guarantee a deal but when foreclosure is looming, I say leave no stone unturned.

Don't let your emotions get the best of you. This is a situation you CAN get out of but it WILL take effort and some homework to ensure it happens in the best way possible for all parties involved.

Just my two cents. Anyone else have any thoughts on this?

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